
Subscriptions? Get more out of recurring payments

In many a boardroom, the C-level is wondering how to retain more customers, increase loyalty and reduce attrition. The solution? Periodic recurring payments, or recurring payments.

Download Whitepaper - Recurring Payments if you use subscriptions

The popularity of subscription-based revenue models is not surprising in itself: subscribers provide recurring revenue and stable sales. Moreover, paying periodically for an ongoing newspaper, magazine or phone subscription or for your energy consumption is nothing new to most consumers. Nevertheless, the question continues to circulate in the boardroom as to how they will implement this new business model in practice. Because how do you ensure optimal convenience around recurring payments and - consequently - the highest possible conversion?

You can read it in the white paper 'Get more out of recurring payments'. Written by MT.nl on behalf of Buckaroo.



Successful in the Subscription Economy

The popularity of revenue models based on recurring payments is quite understandable: subscribers provide recurring revenue and stable sales. Still, the question keeps circulating in the boardroom: how to implement this new business model in practice?

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