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Meer weten over de betaalmarkt, nieuwe betaalstrategieen of verdienmodellen? Download onze whitepapers. We delen hierin data, tips van experts en praktijkvoorbeelden.

E Book Op Weg Naar Een Ideale Betaalstrategie 2024 Mockup Front Website

The ideal payment strategy

To win over and retain customers

Paying with your mobile, the subscription economy, leveraging data to get paid faster; the world of the payments market is pretty much upside down. Don't want to lose the battle with the competition? Then scrutinize your payment strategy today.

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Wp Mt Buckaroo Haal Meer Uit Recurring Payments

Get more out of recurring payments

Optimize your cash flow with subscriptions and recurring payments

The popularity of subscription-based revenue models is quite understandable: subscribers provide recurring revenue and stable sales. Still, the question keeps circulating in the boardroom: how can you go about implementing this new business model in practice?

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Wp Nl Subscription Whitepaper

The Subscription Economy

From product to service

The so-called Subscription Economy is all about services that respond to the needs of today's consumers: Subscription Services. Is this revenue model for everyone?

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Whitepaper Naar Een Online Marktplaats

To an online marktplaats

Do's and Don'ts when starting an online marketplace

How successful is such an online marketplace and should you also open your shop to third parties? What should you consider as an entrepreneur and how do you automate your payments with Split-Payments?

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Whitepaper Buckaroo Customer Journey (1)

Customer Journey

From orientation to checkout

Even a customer who has already filled his shopping cart and is about to pay, may still drop out within sight of the finish line. How to prevent that, you can read in this white paper.

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