Need help linking a payment method or have questions about Buckaroo Plaza or My Buckaroo? Or are you curious which payment solutions are best suited to your business? As your payment partner, Buckaroo is happy to strategise with you. Therefore, please feel free to contact us.
In our knowledge base you can find many comprehensive manuals and other useful documentation about our products.
If Buckaroo has debited money, it means you have entered into an agreement with an online shop, an organisation or a charity. We only take care of the secure processing of the payment. Any questions about your payment should always be taken up with the selling party. If you want to know more about your payment, check out the handy payment checker.
Support is only available to Buckaroo customers. You can find your access code at the bottom left of your account.
+31 (0)30 711 50 00
Mon - Fri 08:30 to 17:00
Would you like to know more about our payment products? Our specialists will be happy to assist you.
Mon - Fri 08:30 to 17:00
Do you have any questions about the options? Curious about which payment solutions are best suited to your organisation? Fill in your details and our experts will contact you as soon as possible.
Buckaroo's customer service is code-protected. This code is only available to Buckaroo customers. It is therefore only possible to speak to our customer service team when you purchase payment products from Buckaroo.
Have you made a payment via Buckaroo and have a problem with the selling party? Then click on the button below.
You will find several forms on our website. Please fill them in and we will contact you as soon as possible. You can also email us at
Buckaroo is a payment service provider. Like any other payment service provider, we provide payment services to online shops. The way we work is very similar to the working method of banks that process payments. When you buy something online, you enter into an agreement with the online shop. We take care of the secure processing of the payment.
Buckaroo is unable to answer questions relating to the topics below for you:
Do you have a problem with the selling party or don't know what the payment is for? Then view more information via the button below.
You can view the status of our services 24/7. For this, we have created the Buckaroo Status Page. Check the page using the button below.
Our support is available to Buckaroo customers every business day from 08:30 to 17:00. Forgot your access code? You can find it at the bottom left of your Payment Plaza account.