Always visibility and control over your payments with Buckaroo Payment Plaza

Real-time visibility into the status of payments

Payment Plaza is Buckaroo's secure financial back office system. As a customer, you have your own login and password. Within this personal and protected account you can view statuses of transactions. In the Payment Plaza you can also perform (follow-up) actions such as performing a refund or creating a recurring payment. The insight into your debtor status is real-time. Moreover, you can export detailed information and reports.

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The benefits of Buckaroo's Payment Plaza

  • Real-time insight into the status of each transaction and invoice Management dashboard with key KPIs and trends
  • Debtor management for invoices and subscriptions
  • All payment methods conveniently arranged in one system
  • History of all transactions in a given period

Joeri's tip: get more out of payment dates

Joeri is a project manager at Buckaroo and tackles projects completely data-driven with the goal of increasing conversion. For each new and existing Buckaroo payment product, he deals with the question: how can it be improved based on data insights?

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