Buckaroo partnerkit

Welcome to the Buckaroo partner kit! Here you will find all the essential brand materials to work consistently and professionally with the Buckaroo style. Download our logo, brand guidelines, and other visual assets to enhance your integration with Buckaroo and ensure a unified look.

Partner Up With Buckaroo

Buckaroo Logo

Buckaroo logo guidelines

Logo colour: The logo may only be used in Buckaroo dark blue or Buckaroo white. Always ensure sufficient contrast. On a light background, use the dark blue logo. On a dark background, the logo should be used in Buckaroo white. When placing the logo on photography, use it in Buckaroo white. Always ensure readability. Never use the logo in any other colours.

Guidelines regarding logo usage

  1. When scaling the logo, it must not be distorted. The width-to-height ratio must remain the same.
  2. It is not permitted to use the Buckaroo logo in external communications without prior approval from Buckaroo.
