
Online donations, direct debit donations or want to organize a fundraising event by QR?

Buckaroo and charities

At Buckaroo, we’re always looking for ways to make donations easier. One-off as well as recurring donations. Online and offline. Buckaroo offers payment services at special reduced fares* to charities and foundations.

Our most requested donation solutions:

  • Direct debit and authorisation
  • Fundraising event and fundraising-oriented  donation solutions
  • Donation management

*  Charities with an ANBI** status and/or a CBF certification can benefit from special conditions. 

** ANBI is the non-profit tax designation in the Netherlands issued by the Tax Office (Belastingdienst) in accordance with the general tax laws (Uitvoeringsregeling Algemene Wet Rijksbelastingen 1994). ANBI stands for (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling).



Specialized in donation solutions

Buckaroo has partnered up with Goede Doelen Nederland. We offer links to action platforms like Kentaa and NewFunds. As Payment Service Provider, we take care of the entire payment process for charities. Need more information?

New donation methods

New payment methods make donations safer and easier. During fundraising events, people can donate money with a QR code, while regular contributors can safely grant direct debit authorisation via emandate. Meanwhile, donations modules for action platforms are becoming more contributor friendly.

Whitelabel donations module

You can customize the donations module to your liking, using your own look and branding. Regardless which payment methods you choose, Buckaroo automatically processes both one-off and recurring payments. Ask for the possibilities.

"Contributors should be able to make a choice within a few simple steps and the payment process should be easy.”

— Femke Hoes, The Ocean Cleanup

Direct debit and authorisation

Contributors often use one-off direct debit. Execution of one-off direct debit requires the account number, ascription and amount.

Charities choose to let Buckaroo handle their recurring direct debits, so failed direct debits are also taken care of. Failed direct debits are given a label (account number unknown, insufficient funds, unjustified direct debit notification) and are followed-up by Credit Management, for example with a new direct debit attempt or an alternative payment request.


Donate via QR

Fundraising events and fundraising-oriented donations

The percentage of regular contributors is slowly declining. Nowadays, most donations are fundraising-oriented. People want to know exactly what they’re contributing to. And are more inclined to donate money to a fundraising event than a foundation. The rise of social media has resulted in a wider range for charity organizations. Which new payment methods will be used in the future?

  • Donate by QR, iDEAL or Payconiq
  • Digital direct debit auhorisation with an emandate
  • Donate with a payment link by text message, mail or QR for direct mailing

Case: Hartstichting

Read all about the Hartstichting customer case and find out which donation and payment methods they offer their collectors and contributors, such as donations with iDEAL QR.

iDEAL QR donations

Inspiring cases

The ideal payment method differs per situation, product or service. Because of our wide range of payment methods and unique features, we at Buckaroo are always able to offer you an appropriate solution. Let the following cases inspire you.

See our client cases